
The following are scopes that our company specializes in, but not limited to.

Firestopping of through Penetrations as well as labeling of penetrations and labeling/stenciling of walls.

Matching F&T Ratings, outlet box protection with fire putty pads, wraps, and endothermic mats.

Specialty block-outs with a variety of penetration types.

Specialty envelope wrap firestop applications

“Cooling endothermic mat wrap” for “2-hr survivability rating” required for example circuit protection on emergency power, unprotected DAS Conduit, diesel fuel lines, and others.

Joint sealants at CMU, top & base of gypsum walls.

Exterior watertight joint sealants at hord rock balconies, hollow metal doors, and milcor/windows/louvers. 

Intumescent coating on steel and wood in lieu of drywall or cementitious fire protection.

“Fire-resistance rated” and “Non-fire-resistance rated” Expansion Joint Systems

Acoustical sealants at through penetrations and joints of STC Rated assemblies

Firestopping of through penetrations within wood structure assemblies